Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rhea group making monkeys out of themselves

Rhea group making monkeys out of themselves

By Kerry Craig Walker

A group of Rhea County residents are doing a very good job of making themselves look ignorant. Their response on a billboard stating “Evolutionists came from monkeys” is not a clever response. It says nothing to support their views and nothing to counter the views of the evolutionists.

Their second billboard, which claims to have been a World War II poster, further degrades this group’s position. This picture of the bible with a stake through the middle of it is a very disturbing picture on two sides. It is disturbing for those who believe in the bible and it is disturbing to those who don’t. They are in a very direct way stating that those who believe in evolution, and who don’t believe in the bible, are violently opposed to anyone who believes in the bible and that these people are also like the Nazis.

My father had faith in a Creator and he was a great man, and he fought his heart out in WWII for our freedom. My father was very intelligent and he was aware of the evolutionary processes on this earth, and he would be very upset about these billboards, especially the second one!

I contacted June Griffin by email and told her about my work and the fact that I had mathematical proof of a Creative Intelligence. She responded and did not seem to be interested in looking into my work and gave the typical response through religion by stating, “I am sure your studies are valuable. I have some proof as well, having served Him since the early 1970's. He has never failed me and has healed us repeatedly, answered our prayers, brought to pass things thought impossible and given me hope for restoration of this country, especially in Tennessee.” She goes to state, “Darwin-Freud-Marx are the satanic trinity which we are forced to pay for. I am sick of their extortion.”

Since graduating near the top of my class with a degree in Architectural Engineering in 1977, I have spent the last 30 years researching everything related to religion and religious philosophies and philosophy in general. I studied histories of religion, origins of religion, conflicts of religion, and so on. I literally read or looked into most every book that was related to the subject. I have read the bible from cover to cover four times and I have researched and studied six translations of the bible.

On the subject of Evolution, I have been a student of this subject as well for nearly thirty years. I have communicated with Anthropologist Richard E. Leakey, Director/Chief Executive of the National Museums of Kenya. I communicated by phone with the late Professor Stephen Jay Gould, the well known paleontologist, as well as communicate with Joe Huffstetler of The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, and Peter R. Hoover of the Paleontological Research Institute. I have also had correspondence with those associated with General Paleontology in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have spent many hours at the University of Georgia, in Athens, studying evolutionary processes and the fossil record and many more hours of in home study through books and magazines and on the computer. I have continued to keep up with every new discovery and I have studied each in detail.

I have also had deep interest in the study of Astronomy and all aspects of science related to the study of the cosmos. For my own interest I have also pursued a better understanding of complex calculus (integrals) and quantum physics and quantum mechanics. I have studied the work of scientists and researchers that are within, as well as outside of, the mainstream theories.

I have put together a 317 page manuscript on these subjects entitled, “The Dawn of Intelligence”, edited by Dr. John A. Henderson, which looks at an intelligence that goes beyond the conditioned processes of self and I’m in the process of finding a publisher. I have a chapter on evolution that looks into the facts behind these processes of change over time.

A valid response to the evolutionist would be to provide evidence that there is an outside energy or Creator at work in these processes. This can only be done by looking at the problems with natural selection left on its own. If we consider the evidence as it stands we find clear evidence that some outside energy must be at work along with the processes of natural selection. Echolocation in the bats and bio-sonar in whales and dolphins are two good examples where natural selection alone would fail.

Natural selection works by drawing on a gene from the gene pool and then there is a mutation of this gene. In the case of the bat, and the whale and dolphin, for example, there was no gene pool to pull from, and, therefore, no gene to mutate in order to bring about these high tech systems of echolocation or bio-sonar. There are many other examples of design when we study these changes over time and even more examples in the micro world. Examples of behavior and the actions of insects and other creatures in nature also lend proof to a creative energy or creative intelligence, not to mention the biological evidence. I believe that science, mathematics and physics also lends proof of this creative intelligence and that this intelligence is within the cosmos itself, and I have demonstrated this in my work. The components of the cosmos contain the necessary complex ingredients, along with electro-magnetism, to produce this directive energy or creative intelligence.

In my open-minded study of history, I have learned that those that came to the so-called New World wanted to worship their Creator on their own terms and many did not desire to have allegiance to the king. Unfortunately the conditioning of the masses brought over the same nonsense that they were attempting to leave behind. Is this not the government and the church we broke from in 1776 in order to form this great country?

A great man named Thomas Paine was the very deist that believed in a Creator but detested the bible, yet this man was clearly the catalyst for our revolution! He died being rejected by the so-called Christian people and before his death he stated, “My life is in the hands of my Creator”. In his own words he stated, “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”

There is no one on this earth that wishes the bible was true more than me, after all I have been through to find truth, but unfortunately it’s not. And, like Thomas Paine, I too have found the truth about what is contained in this wretched book. It is, more often than not, a god of hatred and not a God of love that is portrayed in the bible.

The simple fact is that very few Christians have read the entire bible and don’t know what’s in there, and would be very surprised to find out! And how few of us have the intelligence to go beyond self and are hesitant enough to patiently do the research and take the time to come upon the truth!

Like so many throughout history, I have had great harm brought to me and my family by those that call themselves Christian and profess the bible to be the word of God. This insanity must stop!

The religions have no grounding in reality as religions are inventions of human thought, and atheism is often the opposite side of the same coin. The evolutionists have created a new belief based on natural selection, and they are wrong to conclude that there is no natural outside energy at work in the detailed designs of organisms and in the complex and mysterious processes of the universe and the infinite cosmos.

To view the article in The Herald-News go

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Problem with Conclusions

The Problem with Conclusions

I THINK it is important for us to understand the problem with conclusions. The entire structure of knowledge is based on conclusions. I say this is wrong. I’m not saying that we should stop investigating and inquiring into any of the many fields of study—that would be ridiculous—but that we need to STOP coming to these conclusions and then calling any ONE conclusion a FACT.

We say that North America was inhabited 11,500 years ago, and all indications from the excavations and the studies indicate this. So some individual gets credit for coming up with this knowledge and he pats his big ego and then becomes popular and makes money on his discovery and then his knowledge becomes FACT.

Now we say it is a FACT that North America was first inhabited around 11, 500 years ago. And this remains a FACT for some time to come. But then another fellow finds other sites and in his research he determines that North America was first inhabited around 35,000 years ago and this process starts all over again, and then this new data comes to be accepted as a FACT.

We have done this behavior in the fields of history, religion, mathematics, physics and quantum physics, paleontology and evolution, and in the field of astrophysics and every field of knowledge that we investigate. Then these conclusions become the basis for our further studies, calculations, and so forth, and because the conclusions were wrong and in FACT were not FACTS, we are led astray and so much time is wasted. By coming to these conclusions that are WRONG and then moving on by using the data from these conclusions, it may take years or decades or even hundreds of years to get back on track, if we ever get back on track.

Now, I propose a system where we no longer call a conclusion a FACT and simply call it the CURRENT THEORY or the CURRENT OBSERVATION. This allows for those that are doing further research or moving from this CURRENT OBSERVATION or CURRENT THEORY to proceed with caution and to even question the information that they have acquired.

Let’s take the field of physics for example. We come to these conclusions and then we move on to call some conclusion a FACT. Even if it goes by some name that has the word THEORY in it, it still becomes accepted as an accepted conclusion or FACT amongst those in the specific field of study. In the case of Einstein’s THEORY OF RELATIVITY one may spend months and months in his attempts to understand this theory and go through all the mathematical equations to grasp the accepted FACT of this information and then after several months of studying this information one finally understands the accepted information and in that same instant that this accepted theory is understood one realizes that it is WRONG. In fact one later comes to realize that the accepted FACT of MASS is WRONG. There is this insight from all this study and persistence in attempting to understand these principles and suddenly one comes to the OBSERVATION that MASS may not exist at all, and that everything may be ENERGY. It may be that only because of electric and magnetic energy fields (electromagnetism) and certain other very complicated principles (which I will not go into here because of their complexity) that this ENERGY is held together as MATTER, and therefore should not be considered MASS at all. Now look at how physics has gone on for so many years from these WRONG conclusions, so most everything else is WRONG. I’m not the only one that has come to this OBSERVATION, and there are others. This fellow by the name of Bruce Harvey in the UK came to this OBSERVATION and has facts to back it up (learn more by putting his name in a search engine).

You believe in your views about gravity because you have been conditioned to believe in it. Did you know that science has learned that Newton's law of Gravity may not be the whole story? Science has learned that gravity may not be ONLY because of "the objects attracting each other". Some scientists now theorize that a warping of space, by spacetime curvature contributes to gravity. This gets into some very complex stuff like electromagnetism and quantum mechanics that very few people can understand. There is also the rope theory and this is a far more simple theory that few scientists will consider because it overrides their accepted theories. Therefore gravitation, as we know it, is still a theory and we may come to learn that there are other aspects to this force or this energy, or what you will.

In the field of astronomy or, more specifically, astrophysics, we find conclusions that have been made in this field of knowledge that have been blown completely out of the water. Just look at the knowledge based on THE BIG BANG THEORY (which I think is a plausible theory), and the BIG CRUNCH THEORY, and then look at the knowledge of our universe. We now have come to the realization of the possible existence of DARK MATTER and DARK ENERGY (learn more by putting these names in a search engine), which may make up some 96 percent of the known universe, yet the scientist know little to nothing about it. The CURRENT OBSERVATION or the CURRENT THEORY on DARK ENERGY is that it is creating a repulsive energy and causing the expansion of the universe to be in a state of continuous expansion and it seems to be actually accelerating. This contradicts all the KNOWLEDGE and all the CONCLUSIONS that I learned just fifteen or twenty years ago.

Now let’s take the field of paleontology (the study of the fossil record). If we study this field we find that certain conclusions have been made and have been accepted as FACTS and then we come to find out that the FACT was incorrect or even, as in one case, a fabricated fossil and not the truth at all. This science also tends to overlook the possibility of some sort of cosmic energy playing a part in evolution. In my studies of evolution I have seen evidence that this may indeed be true. Some Astrophysicists and other scientist believe that cosmic rays from supernovas could play a role in evolution. One can show through examples and with mathematics that the cosmos is full of energy and that the many components of our cosmos contain the necessary ingredients to form a "thinking" cosmos. Could the cosmos itself be the creative energy of our universe and the directive forces in nature working along with natural selection? Could it be that there is an "outside" energy working with the energy within these organisms?

Humans tend to focus on those things that support their view and exclude those that don’t. Greed, ambition, and even knowledge can get in the way of truth and open-mindedness and we need to put a stop to this or at least slow it down and I think using the principle I describe here will help do that.

Science puts forth evolution based solely on natural selection and usually refuses to consider any outside energy, even if this energy is a natural creative energy of our cosmos. Scientist within the established media claim to know a great deal about physics and mathematics, but they are willing to propagate information that may be false and often refuse to consider evidence that demonstrate possible errors. Scientist claim to know a great deal about the universe and the cosmos, but they actually know very little and there are still many unknowns. Scientist claim to know what the center of this earth looks like and they put pictures in text books to represent this knowledge, but in actuality they know virtually nothing in reality about the deep interior of this earth. In fact we are still learning about the deep oceans and our rainforest and we continue to find new species of life in the water and on land.

I can make examples in every field of knowledge where this problem applies. I could produce examples in the field of HISTORY and, especially, in the field of RELIGION but I would have to keep you here until KINGDOM COME (sorry, pun intended) or for much longer than you may like so I will end it now by saying we simply need to stop this insidious behavior of coming to conclusions in any field of knowledge and we should begin calling the information we have by the description of CURRENT OBSERVATION or CURRENT THEORY. This will hopefully bring about a completely new attitude in all these fields of study.

P.S. I received an email from this physics genius, Bruce Harvey, in the UK. It was good to hear that he read my work. He also clarifies and makes a very profound statement concerning what I have said here by saying, “I’ll add my current thoughts about how the human mind works—We have an innate ability to come to ‘conclusions’ based on inadequate and unreliable information. Because our brains are designed to do this, we all too easily fall into the belief that our ‘conclusions’ are logical deductions derived from sound axioms.”

Kerry Craig Walker, April 23, 2006